fredag 25 september 2009

Greetings friends and foes!

Repeating apologies for the lack of updates. Life in the fast lane has a nack for making "computer" a bit of a short stop. So we left Pereira in triumph and headed down to Cali and stayed with the ever so generous guys from Berzerker(Huge props goes out to Juan Carlos family for feeding and housing us all.). Cali was a most excellent place and we even got to defend our nations soccer-"pride" in a intense soccer game, which we naturally won with 8 to 2. After our blazing victory we continued to enjoy a couple of days off and then it was of to Ibarra, Ecuador.

Ibarra offered an extremely fast pasted schedule; arrive, eat, shower, play, leave. The show was incredible! None of us were headsmart enough to count all the crazy headbanger but we were told that there was around 5000 people there to see us. So despite a few technical problems, the show was simply amazing.
After the show we took a gloomy farewell of Berzerker as their part of the tour ended in Ibarra. We proceeded to march on to Cuenca for yet another amazing show, more really cool people and even more alco-drenched mischiefs. Unfortunately we learned that all four of us has become sick as dogs and we are all currently on medication. Big thanks to Cecibel and all you guys in Cuenca.

So a Somber amped on antibiotics arrived in Loha for rushed show and a asshole promoter that tried to rip us off but all he got was a middle finger and, when he eventually paid, an awesome show. The crowd was awesome, so awesome that the cops had to show up break up a number of fights. So right now we just crossed the border into Peru and are loading of for Lima Hellfest.
Fever, infections, flem, nothing stops the Black Machine.

Life in the fast lane, Surely make you lose your mind

Cheers, for now
/Carl - Somber

Water violence in Cali

Sir Eric von Berzerker

Boarder jumping in Ecuador

Crowd rage in Ibarra, Ecuador

Carl! Pose!

The new amazing adventours of Robin the Roadie

Bear getting his bass pimped out

The mighty amp that the basterd promoter of Loha provided.

måndag 14 september 2009

The 14th of september.

Hello everybody!
We know we havent updated the blogg in a while and for that we are sorry. Also found a local Swede here in pereira, nice to meet a friendly face. Anyhow, the last 4 days have been full with beer, whiskey, sweat, shows and parties. The worst part is the 7-18 hour bussrides in between the gigs and the best parts is every cold-related product (AC,Pools etc). The audience wants to mosh and we deliver a 100% mosh friendly show. The arrangers of the shows treats us nice as we them, and soon its time for a week to recover, do some laudry and... drink.. more.. i guess.

We all are well and really thrive with the people and sharing their culture with ours.

Hope you all are fine, your sincerely
Bjorn "the Bear" Rehnqvist

Juan Carlos (Berzeker) baptized

Bucaramanga mayhem!

Carl in Pereira

National TV interview after the show. (Video killed the radio star)

John in the spotlight

Cesar(Berzeker) mounts the Bear

The amazing adventures of Robin the Roadie

"In case of groupie, use this hotel"

torsdag 10 september 2009

Arriving in Colombia

We arrived in Colombia yesterday after 6 hours on the really, really tiny roads they have here in the mountains. We waited for ten minutes at the terminal and went straight to a radio station and got interviewed on the show "Spiritual hammer".
Then finaly after 22 hours without food we had some really good local cuisine. We were planning to go to bed right after eating but ended up drinking all night with the guys from the radio show. Good times!
Today we have been told that some sighteseeing will take place and something about drinking hot chocolate. I have no idea what that is all about, I guess we will find out.

So far the tour is going great but we still havnt got used to it because of the gaps between gigs. But soon we´ll be playing several nights in a row, im looking forward to it. It will be brutal.
We also found out that some dates had been changed on our tour schedule and our next show is this saturday in Bucaramanga.

Pictures from the trip will be posted here later today or tomorrow. Some technical issues with the computers as usual.

Yes, the blog is now in English due to requests and acouple sexual threats (true story, kinda creepy ;).


Fueling up colombian stylee

Vroom vroom!

Inhaling fumes..

Pontus, King of the Jungle

Spiritual Hammer Radio.

Spiritual Hammer Radio.

Señor Borroza, señor Red Label & señor Pontus..

tisdag 8 september 2009

Vi och våra turnéledare i Venezuela. Zavier och Domenica.

måndag 7 september 2009

Venesuela behandlar oss väl

Nu bär det av till Colombia, på återseende!

lördag 5 september 2009


God morgon!
Igår så åkte vi från Caracas till Barquisimeto där vi ska köra första spelningen på turnén (söndag).

När vi kom fram klockan 05.xx så möttes vi av en mycket udda syn, utanför polisstationen där vi gick ur taxin stod det ca 10 tjejer och dansade till skithög musik som pumpades ur deras bil. Tyckte detta var konstigt tills vi märkte att barnen fortfarande var ute och lekte på lekplatserna och grillarna var fortfarande igång utanför husen. Fest över hela stället.
"It is friday", säger vår guide.
Sen blev vi erbjudna att gå och äta kyckling.

Allt flyter på som planerat förutom diverse solskyddskrämer som inte fungerar. Något som kommer synas på bilderna!
Bilderna kommer när vi har hittat en vettig dator.

Har lärt oss att man inte ska lägga i en snus framför militären/polisen (frågade var skillnaden var för befolkningen och vår guide skakade bara på huvudet) för att de lätt misstar det för någon tyngre drog och då kan bestämma sig att de vill ha dina pengar. På flygplatsen så undrade jag varför mynningen på Ak47:an, som jag stod och beundrade, lätt började peka åt mitt håll när jag tog fram dosan. Pjuh!

Nu ska jag försöka banka liv i Pontus som ligger och sover så sött här brevid. Sen blir det frukost, öl och lite sightseeing.
Ha det gött tills nästa gång.


fredag 4 september 2009

Nu har vi anlänt i Venuzuela, det är så varmt att vi lir tvunga att spendera första dagen på stranden med parasoldrinkar, vi lider verkligen :)

onsdag 2 september 2009

Nu jävlar!

Nu jävlar! Det är dags för avfärd till syrligtskräckinjagande och helt livsfarligt exotiska, Sydamerika. Start på Sombers Sydamerika turné, The Black Machine.

Inte en sekund försent.